Wednesday, January 22, 2020

MISSION UPDATE...145 pounds of shoes


They look like they were worn a couple of days at most then donated!

145 pounds of shoes



Yesterday at the Mission Church my wife handed me a notice from fedX someone had mailed something to us and we were not there when it was brought by us…we encourage folks to mail packages to our office in Florence….


So I called them and they said it was a 145 pounds of something…ok the fedX office is in a little city outside of Wichita so I had to drive about 15 plus miles to get there…it was worth it as someone whom works in a medical place sent a huge box of shoes and boots…most all were of the tennis shoes type but had thick soles that were unworn also a few very large pairs of boots…


There were when I took them out of the box 4 large tubs filled with them….I allowed the folks to take up to two pair each! They were very happy, oh and we still have some left!


I had a new person come in, yes we have new folks all the time, he told my wife "how amazing it was that we let people come into our home and take what they want", she told him Messiah's Branch is our second home (yes it a church but a home church)…but he was still amazed at the things we gave freely including food!


My wife truck or purchase of another vehicle remains unsolved at this point!


Radio we are caught up for now but the 1st is coming..


We need to really restock the Mission Church!


Lift us in prayer, help if you can



In HIS Perfect Peace,


Pastor Dan Catlin



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