Friday, August 23, 2019

Prayers...mission Update..and radio update..THE MOVIE..TEH MOUNTAIN OF MOSES



I am amazed, because my summer help all went back to school I am alone on Fridays, praying for help! Today the FATHER blessed me with my sister and two wonderful women who listen to us on radio…


We severed eggs till 3 PM and already made the pasta salad to go with hot dawgs for dinner…and the cleaned the kitchen so I am able to have a couple of minutes to do this update! In fact I think they may just become my Friday help J


I am asking that you folks help us pray in the electric bill which jumped up because of the heat over here at the Mission Church to $430 if I heard my wife writ, well I know she said $400 something…..


I could also use a trip to the store…


Oh and YOU SHOULD listen to the radio program I did with Joel Richardson last night talking about the real mt SINIA, it would seem the Saudi's want Christians to visit there and have held it for the world to see….also a motion picture not you tube is in the works….


Lift us in prayer, help today if you can



In His Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin


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