Monday, December 26, 2022

MISSION UPDATE heat at the Mission Church

Us 37th year together,  She (mom LINDA) is 60 and I am (DAD Pastor Dan)  67! MISSION CHURCH 23 years

Radio 22 years!



Well I am glad we are going back to regular days as my brain get's messed up with doing different things on days I normally do things on….you see I am a creature of habit so to speak!


I will get to the main point of this as I know folks want to know about the Mission Heat ….


OK Friday we found that of course the heat was not working so we had to come out of hiding (My wife and I hide for a couple of days each year to celebrate our anniversary! It was number 37 we are now working towards 38 years!)


So yes I messed with the heat and got it on but we knew now when it kicks off when it reaches the set temperature it stays off until I mess with it again! So we went and bought, well charged two heaters and a cord a total of about $230 something I think it was…not a lot of choices as heaters were almost sold out at home depot because of the storm….

These two heaters would keep the pipes from freezing….(still have to raise funds to pay for them)


Called the heating and air people….Nope booked because of the storm so NEXT FRIDAY now This coming Friday at 2 PM was the soonest they could come out! This issue has to be fixed as it's been ongoing for some time slowly getting worse and worse until of course it hits with the point of has to be dealt with NOW in Winter of course!


So NO we do not know yet how much money we have to come with to get it fixed as we have no idea what it is….


Oh what I do know is that the Mission Ice box decided this was the best time to go out completely also…We have to get a new one like ASAP…Cost we found the cheapest that will work for the Mission is around $1,100 to $ 1,400….see how things are adding up here!


Yes if someone in Wichita wanted to donate one that is big enough that works OK but I would rather buy one so we do have to mess with it for a while!


All this depends on what The FATHER will provide….


The 25th , we fed 75 or 76 I think my wife said the number was lower than expected because of the below freezing weather and our signs saying we would be open were gone of course…we were prepared for 200…Thanksgiving was 180! No matter people who need got fed and some other food was given out! Also some hoodies that was donated!


ANY WAY tomorrow the temperatures are coming back up so I bet we have well over a 100 show up…

I will be glad when January is over as our donations should start coming back up as normal when income tax returns hit….


Thanks to all our supporters this year ! Without you none of this would happen but credit goes to the FATHER and HIS SON of course!


Yes all is in HIS control…I pray that funding goes up soon and money for it all comes, we are also praying the whole unit for heating and cooling can be fixed…just again will not know till FRIDAY!


Lift Us in prayer help today if you can!


In HIS Perfect Peace,


Pastor Dan Catlin



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900 south Broadway, Wichita Kansas 67211


Phone 316-619-4886 (Text first if possible)