At 1705 July 23. "One of the Gentlemen of the Council at York, carried thither a monstrous Tooth that weighed four Pounds and three Quarters, said to be one of the great Teeth of a Man, whole and sound on the Top but much decayed in its Fangs; one of which being hollow contained half a pint of Liquor.
It was dug out of a Bank or Hill that rose some 30 or 40 feet above the place," (Say River) "about 26 m. below Albany, at a place called Clavarack. They found another Tooth that seemed to be a foretooth that was four fingers broad: and dug up Bones that when they came to the air turned to Dust; but one Bone they took up judged a Thigh Bone of a Man Seventeen foot long." The Diary or Register adds "This account was given in Boston weekly Newspaper for the week ending August."