Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Thanksgiving, web site, and prayers a Mission update..and video




First here is a video my wife made today, no I was not there as we or I got so way behind because of my injury last April, I have only started going back for Friday's! You see I have so much ministry work piling up it is almost silly...not to even go into the work around the house!





My wife and my son Elijah (20 years old my youngest)  are superhero's when I was injured this last Aprilk they both rose up and took my jobs over! Myt son doing most of my work which is a lot, things like pick up donations, go to the stores, and then feed and care for the people it's a lot and very time consuming! He is though about to go top work at the post office full time, yes he will get the Sabbaths off but these is going to be a real problem because we need some more help! Sure I will be starting to go back as early as next week both days but my leg is not completely back...I am unable so far to do all I was doing let alone at the fast pace it has to be done at...SO WE NEED PRAYERS!



We have the turkys need for the meal but we lack the odds and ends stuff for the meal, traditionally a donation will come for someone for this but generally always at the very last minute or really the day before the meal!!!!!!!!!


We need to shop right now so we are praying for the donation for what we need will come like now, yes most years a different person may make the donation (generally we spend $500-600, this year because of prices we need like $700-$800)...it seems as if people wait to see if someone else is going to do it and when no one does the last days someone does...you know how hard that is on our neveres? Well we have FAITH others wise we could not do this at all because we do not have a budget!


Other than a few people each month (WE COULD NOT DO WITHOUT THEM) who donate on a  regualer basis we would be in big trouble right now, why? Because while we have some very faithful people doanting and some even incresed what they give, we also greatly depend on radom donations that come from radio or going to the news site...our web site!


We have someone working on it but there seems top be problems as it has been weeks(?) since the new guy working on it has what it looks like NO PROGRESS! In prayer aboutr it.


But my real point is because of the downed web site donation have dropped! We need prayer that we get more support!

NO I AM NOT ASKING MY FAITHFUL and already giving supporters to pump up their donatiosn as we need there already generous monthly and weekly amounts....


At this link https://www.messiahsbranch.com/  you can make a pay-pal donation or listen to radio! For those that need my email for pay pal as some do it that way it is simple elcm@messiahsbranch.org


Ok I will send the Video out I do on Friday until then please


Lift us in prayer, help if you can!


In HIS Perfect Peace,


Pastor Dan Catlin



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