Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Church has been the vehicle to implement the New World Order | Dr Mike Spaulding

After Licensing Board Threatens Disciplinary Action, Maine Physician Asks Board to Define COVID 'Misinformation' . Children's Health Defense

Scientists Say They Have Created Self-Replicating 'Living Robots'

Breaking Down "The Thing" Of Nightmares Causing Blood Clots, Seizures, Heart Attacks, Deaths And So Many People To Have "Bad Luck" In The "Game Of Russian Roulette" Called "The Vax"

BOMBSHELL: There is NO scientific evidence that covid-19 vaccines have saved a single life - NaturalNews.com

A brief guide to leftist destruction

Monday, November 29, 2021

The History of Hanukkah They Didn't Teach You in Hebrew School | Frontpagemag

World's First Vaccine Murder case against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla filed in India's High Court - Indian Bar Association

San Francisco Homeless Insider Tells All | ZeroHedge

Bill Gates Being Charged For Murder: This Is How You Stop The Virus - DC Clothesline

Iranian General Says 'We Will Not Back Off from Annihilation of Israel' as Biden Admin Resumes Nuke Talks

This Thanksgiving Weekend Proved That America Is Now Living In A Very Dark New Reality

Why Are The Global Elite Creating So Much Hysteria About The Omicron Variant? - End Of The American Dream

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving update! PRAYERS..needed, and videos




Ok doing this a little early, they are still making pates as people are still showing up, we have went well past 100 plates and tomorrow Friday last year we fed more people the then today…

We started out with a plate of food and a full plate of desert to everyone we are running low on deserts so now down to just a piece of Pie with the dinner plates…we need to do some cooking then tonight to be ready for tomorrow!


If you can or want to help a last minute donation would be very great! PRAY for us! We are under much pressure as tomorrow will be bigger last I knew we did 118 and the gate is still open!


Videos today


Prayer for dinner



Making plates



Later on….people keep coming



Lift us in prayer, Help if you can,


WEB Site it is starting t o get you can go to prophecyhour.com



In His Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin


National Satellite and Live on Net Worldwide




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Breaking News and Radio Blog


Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry


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230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851



Trump's Thanksgiving message teases 2024 presidential run | Fox News

The First Thanksgiving story shows us how disparate people come together in challenging times | Fox News

Vaccine Deaths Com | Vaccine Deaths - Vaccine Deaths Coverage

Friday, November 19, 2021

Thanksgiving, sharing the word and feeding eth people a Mission update


Cold out we fed 60 people today, I was a little surprised but the numbers go up and down as many days we do over 100!


Still looking for what's needed for Thanksgiving need to shop this weekend, you know we have Turkeys but need the trimmings and veggies etc the things that go with! https://www.messiahsbranch.com/  you can go here to find a pay pal link as prophecyhour.com is still being rebuilt…or go to   https://wichitahomeless.com/  for a donation link….


Two video's






Donation that came




In His Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin


National Satellite and Live on Net Worldwide




Pod-cast Archives (webcast) RSS feed


Breaking News and Radio Blog


Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry


Donations and Contact


Mailing address

230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851



DuckDuckGo introduces new app tracking protection for Android

Thursday, November 18, 2021



Pastor Dan and Linda Catlin







Doctors and other health care workers are dropping dead just like others...what's going on, this and much more!
Please visit
 do not forget these below





Male infertility cure? Scientists create new sperm cells using monkey stem cells - Study Finds

Video: Mike Lindell's Historic Interview With President Donald J. Trump | Frontpagemag

The SMALLPOX BIOWAR - globalists prepare "perfect" scheme to cover up vaccine deaths and cancel mid-term elections by unleashing a new, deadly epidemic - NaturalNews.com

Everyone Missed This One. Vaccinated People Are Up to 9X More Likely To Be Hospitalized Than Unvaccinated People - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

Metaverse Will 'Trap Us in Virtual Reality' and Position Zuckerberg as 'World's Largest Landlord' . Children's Health Defense

First time since 2nd Temple: Rabbis convene to implement Biblical law on Temple Mount [Watch]

It Begins: FBI raids house, terrorizes family of mom who protested local school board, elections - LeoHohmann.com

BEWARE: Biden's 'Build Back Better' Socialism Bill IS the 'Great Reset' - RAIR

Astronomer discovers Planet 9 in old telescope data - Strange Sounds

Jordan Peterson: Government Adviser Told Me COVID Rules Based on Opinion Polls, Not Science

California Plans for a Post-Roe World as Abortion Access Shrinks Elsewhere | California Healthline

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Unmasking the Chaldean Spirt - Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat (Defender Publishing)

Glimpses of Glory - by Carl Gallups (Defender Publishing)

Reap what you sow? Doctors dropping like flies in deaths described as "died unexpectedly" and "died suddenly" since mid-October - The COVID Blog


'Died Suddenly' Trends on Google Search as MSM Tries To Describe Sudden Deaths of Vaxxed

MY wife POINTED out to me....Mission Update


My wife pointed out to me that she wants to go to the store before next week as we need all the things that go with Turkey dinner, she wants enough for 200 plates of food!


We generally always get a donation just before Thanksgiving, but then we are always able to just go to maybe two stores...this year because of supply chain problems we need to go now....


We need emergency prayers to raise the $700(?) needed...


Check of the various news video's about us in the past like this oldie the day BEFORE THANKSGIVING and the frist news event



ONE more



On facebook you can find many more..have alook



If you decide to help you can use pay pal at

https://wichitahomeless.com/  or https://www.messiahsbranch.com/  


Lift us in prayer help if you can.


In HIS Perfect Peace,


Pastor Dan Catlin



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National Satellite and Live on Net Worldwide



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Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry



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Mailing address

230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851


Phone 316-619-4886


Project 'Looking Glass' Insider: The 'Elites' Panicked When They Saw the Future - No Matter What They Do, Mankind Eventually Wins

It Has Begun - Get Ready To Pay Much Higher Prices For Meat From Now On

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Thanksgiving, web site, and prayers a Mission update..and video




First here is a video my wife made today, no I was not there as we or I got so way behind because of my injury last April, I have only started going back for Friday's! You see I have so much ministry work piling up it is almost silly...not to even go into the work around the house!





My wife and my son Elijah (20 years old my youngest)  are superhero's when I was injured this last Aprilk they both rose up and took my jobs over! Myt son doing most of my work which is a lot, things like pick up donations, go to the stores, and then feed and care for the people it's a lot and very time consuming! He is though about to go top work at the post office full time, yes he will get the Sabbaths off but these is going to be a real problem because we need some more help! Sure I will be starting to go back as early as next week both days but my leg is not completely back...I am unable so far to do all I was doing let alone at the fast pace it has to be done at...SO WE NEED PRAYERS!



We have the turkys need for the meal but we lack the odds and ends stuff for the meal, traditionally a donation will come for someone for this but generally always at the very last minute or really the day before the meal!!!!!!!!!


We need to shop right now so we are praying for the donation for what we need will come like now, yes most years a different person may make the donation (generally we spend $500-600, this year because of prices we need like $700-$800)...it seems as if people wait to see if someone else is going to do it and when no one does the last days someone does...you know how hard that is on our neveres? Well we have FAITH others wise we could not do this at all because we do not have a budget!


Other than a few people each month (WE COULD NOT DO WITHOUT THEM) who donate on a  regualer basis we would be in big trouble right now, why? Because while we have some very faithful people doanting and some even incresed what they give, we also greatly depend on radom donations that come from radio or going to the news site...our web site!


We have someone working on it but there seems top be problems as it has been weeks(?) since the new guy working on it has what it looks like NO PROGRESS! In prayer aboutr it.


But my real point is because of the downed web site donation have dropped! We need prayer that we get more support!

NO I AM NOT ASKING MY FAITHFUL and already giving supporters to pump up their donatiosn as we need there already generous monthly and weekly amounts....


At this link https://www.messiahsbranch.com/  you can make a pay-pal donation or listen to radio! For those that need my email for pay pal as some do it that way it is simple elcm@messiahsbranch.org


Ok I will send the Video out I do on Friday until then please


Lift us in prayer, help if you can!


In HIS Perfect Peace,


Pastor Dan Catlin



Main donation page



National Satellite and Live on Net Worldwide



Pod-cast Archives (webcast) RSS feed



Breaking News and Radio Blog



Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry



Donations and Contact



Mailing address

230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851


Phone 316-619-4886


Are Gasoline Prices Being Pushed Higher On Purpose?

Scotland: School asks 10-year old boys to come dressed in skirts

Email contradicts Garland: FBI probing parents as terror threat

Here come the tattoo marks - Scientists want to stamp children with invisible ink to prove they've been vaccinated - NaturalNews.com

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Saturday, November 13, 2021

TX Man Denied Monoclonal Antibodies By Black Health Care Worker Because He's White, Young and Healthy [VIDEO]

Biden's Communist Treasury Nominee Says The Federal Reserve Should Control All U.S. Bank Accounts

Thousands of Massachusetts Parents Pull Kids From 'Woke' Sex Ed Classes

Why Wokeism Is A Religion | ZeroHedge

Pope Francis Says the Great Reset Must Include a 'Green Spirituality' Where the Earth is Worshipped


Pope Francis says the the pre-pandemic world must be done away with, all
militaries around the world dismantled, and that the earth is our mother
who needs to be protected.

Does the 'Vicar of Christ' not know that God has already ordained the
global Battle of Armageddon, and has already foretold the complete
destruction of Planet Earth in 2 Peter 3? Why does he speak as
if Bible prophecy does not exist?

Thursday, November 11, 2021

LISTEN TO RADIO.....MESSIAH'S BRANCH Ministries and International Radio



Pastor Carl Gallups






GLIMPSES OF GLORY! That is the title of pastor Carl's new book, we also mainly talked about how, where, and where things are at right now! A GREAT PROGRAM!


Another do not Miss End-Time Radio program as "We are Warning the World as it HAPPENS!"

Please visit






"Remember we do not 100% agree with everything our guests, say, do, or believe. It's up to you to pray and sort it out!"



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Phone 316-619-4886



Vaccine mandates Cloward-Piven plan to destroy USA, end capitalism

Navy SEALs Sue Biden Admin for Refusing Religious Exemptions for Vax: 'An Attempted Ideological Purge' | Harbingers Daily

Will the Antichrist rule the entire world?

Biden Moves to Shut Down Another Pipeline as U.S Energy Prices Soar | Neon Nettle

They Have Lost Control, And Now The Dollar Is Going To Die

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Israel Steps-Up Preparedness To Confront Iran; Syria-UAE Talks 'Concern' U.S. | Harbingers Daily

FDA Documents Show Pfizer Secretly Added Heart Attack Drug to Children's COVID Vaccines

Will the Antichrist rule the entire world?

Six Reason Why Gog is the Antichrist


Six Reasons Why Gog is the Antichrist Joel Richardson In modern times, many teachers of Bible prophecy have claimed that, "Gog," spoken of in Ezekiel 38 and 39, cannot be the same as the Antichrist spoken of in the New Testament. A careful examination of the text however, establishes that Gog is simply another biblical term used to describe the Antichrist, the great final enemy of God's people.

If this is the case however, this changes much within the world of popular biblical prophecy. For example, if it can be shown that Gog is the Antichrist, then it is also clear that the Antichrist and his armies are primarily Middle Eastern armies and not European, as is popularly taught. More importantly, it would also indicate that until Jesus returns, Islam is not going away. Instead of being a system of belief that is about to be "wiped out," as so many claim, Islam may very well represent the greatest challenge the church face before Jesus returns.


Needless to say, the strategic intercessory and missiological implications would be absolutely profound. What then are some brief reasons to view Gog and the Antichrist to be one and the same character? The answer partially lies in the specific results of the destruction of Gog and his armies as detailed within the Scriptures. When we turn to Ezekiel 38 and 39, we find that as a direct result of the destruction of Gog and his armies, the following six events take place:

1. God's name will never again be profaned (Ez. 39:7) I will send fire on Magog and on those who live in safety in the coastlands, and they will know that I am the LORD. I will make known my holy name among my people Israel. I will no longer let my holy name be profaned, and the nations will know that I the LORD am the Holy One in Israel. It is coming! It will surely take place, declares the Sovereign LORD. This is the day I have spoken of. (Ezekiel 39:6-8) If Gog and his hordes are some preliminary invaders who are destroyed a few, or even several years before Jesus returns, how could it be said that from that day forward, the LORD will no longer let His holy name be profaned, or blasphemed, right before the period in history when the Antichrist and his worldwide movement of blasphemy erupt throughout the earth? When the LORD says that His name would no longer be profaned or blasphemed, it could only speak of the time when the Antichrist and his blasphemous hoards are forever silenced, at the end of his brief reign of arrogance and profanity.

2. The surviving Gentiles come to a saving knowledge of God (Ez. 39:6-7) In keeping with the LORD's many prophetic indication that He will bring many Gentile nations to Himself (Isaiah 11:9, 60:14, Psalm 22:27), as a direct result of the destruction of Gog and his armies, the LORD says that, "the nations (Gentiles) shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel" (Ezekiel 39:7). Some have attempted to diminish the significance of this statement, treating it as a mere intellectual acknowledgment of God void of any actual saving knowledge. This however, simply does not do justice to language of the passage. How can it be said that the nations come to know and acknowledge that the LORD God, the Holy One in Israel, is the one and only true God, at a time immediately before they all come together to blaspheme His name, invade His land and kill His people? This simply wouldn't make any sense. This passage only makes sense if it occurs at the end of the great tribulation, not at the beginning.

3. The captives of Israel will be delivered (Ez. 39:25-28) "Then they will know that I am the LORD their God because I made them go into exile among the nations, and then gathered them again to their own land; and I will leave none of them there any longer. (Ezekiel 39:28) After the destruction of Gog and his armies, those Jews who were previously held captive among the Gentile nations will be delivered—every single last one. According to the text, every living Jew will return to the land of Israel. There is simply no way that this event could be placed just before the time when Jesus said many would "fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations". (Luke 21:24). Zechariah says that half of the city of Jerusalem will be "exiled" (14:2). So when God says that not a single Jewish captive will remain in exile anymore, that all will be returned from that day forward, this can only be a reference to the time when Jesus returns and delivers the Jewish captives from among the Gentile nations.

4. God will pour out His Spirit on Israel (Ezekiel 39:29) "I will not hide My face from them any longer, for I will have poured out My Spirit on the house of Israel," declares the Lord GOD." (Ezekiel 39:29) Not only will the LORD deliver the Jewish captives from among the nations, but He also promises to pour out His Spirit on them. Again, this occurs immediately after the destruction of Gog and his hoards. A parallel passage is found in Isaiah, who says: "A Redeemer will come to Zion, and to those who turn from transgression in Jacob," declares the LORD. "As for Me, this is My covenant with them," says the LORD: "My Spirit which is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your offspring, nor from the mouth of your offspring's offspring," says the LORD, "from now and forever." (Isaiah 59:19-20) In very similar language, other prophets also spoke of this final outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Jewish people in the context of the return of the Messiah (cf. Zech 12:10). Any claim that the grand outpouring of the Spirit of God on Israel precedes the coming of the Antichrist results in "prophecy chaos." The only way that this event can be reconciled with the Scriptures is if it occurs at the end of the great tribulation when the Messiah returns.

5. The survivors of Israel will come to know the LORD forevermore "And the house of Israel will know that I am the LORD their God from that day onward." (39:22) In accordance with the LORD pouring out His Holy Spirit on the whole house of Israel, Ezekiel also states that after the destruction of Gog and his hoards, the long awaited national salvation and redemption of all Israel will finally take place. John the Apostle spoke of what it means to know the LORD: "And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent" (John 17:3). Any claim that the national salvation of Israel, their coming to know the LORD forevermore, "from that day forward" takes place several years before the return of the Messiah is simply not in keeping with the constant prophetic testimony of the Scriptures. The only way one can do this passage any justice and see it align with numerous other biblical passages as the grand capstone of the final seven years. According to the Scriptures, the salvation of Israel will occur after their Messiah appears in the clouds.


6. Israel will dwell securely in their land forevermore (Ez. 39:26-28) Finally, as a direct result of the destruction of Gog and his invading armies, all of Israel is fully restored to their land forevermore. As Old Testament scholar Daniel L. Block comments concerning this passage: Ezekiel's declaration that not a single individual will be left behind when Yahweh restores his people is without parallel in the OT. Yahweh's restoration is not only total, however, it is permanent. He promises never again to hide his face from his people. How anyone can place this event before the time when the Antichrist would invade Israel, trample upon Jerusalem and many of its inhabitants is simply beyond explanation. The only way that these events can be properly understood is in the context of the return of Jesus and the destruction of all of the enemies of the LORD and His people. Because all of these descriptions can only be applied to the time of the return of Jesus and the establishment of His messianic kingdom, it is impossible that Gog and his armies are anything other than the Antichrist and his armies. As I said, within the world of popular biblical prophecy, this certainly changes much. It is high time that the global Church begins working through the dramatic and urgent implications.

Islamic-Antichrist...the BOOK free

Renegade Priest deals with a man during confession | Canada Free Press

Opinion: Pfizer CEO calls its jab 'gene editing,' exposes his clear belief in eugenics - The Liberty Loft

Friday, November 5, 2021

Mission Update.....FRIDAY video's..and web site update


A very special person came forward and is reworking the Prophecy Hour Web site!


Pray for him…..it should be done by next week..praying for that.

It has hurt us as people go there to donate and to listen to radio….I also share these video's there…


So yes we are being hurt by Google! They own blogger which had hosted our blog Prophecy Hour….



links to the video's today…





Food donation




In His Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin


National Satellite and Live on Net Worldwide




Pod-cast Archives (webcast) RSS feed


Breaking News and Radio Blog


Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry


Donations and Contact


Mailing address

230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851



A Closer Look at The Great Reset - A Fake Utopia Sold to Us by Charlatans

Hospitals in America, Australia And Sweden Are Swamped With People 'Sicker Than Ever' -- And They Don't Have Covid

Thursday, November 4, 2021




                            Pastor Dan and Linda Catlin                                                                                         






They are about to jab the children....

Hospitals are filling up?













Senate Republicans blast Biden over dishonorable discharges for unvaccinated troops - Washington Times

More than HALF of Trump voters want red states to secede from the union | Daily Mail Online

Former Google Exec Warns That AI Researchers Are "Creating God"

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Our web site Prophecy Hour..IMPORTANT MISSION UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



For many years we have been using prophecyhour.com as our ministry hub, well blogger owned by Google has shut it down saying we broke community guidelines but not telling us what we did...


I am no web master period.....


I have no way to fix this


Need advice and prayers


Unsure of what to do but I know that my radio listeners dropped by at least %50 which means yep donations are going to go down...hurting the Mission church at the busiest time of year


Yes I could hire someone to help, but no funds for this...also have no idea where to host...


Lift us in prayer, help if you can,



In HIS Perfect Peace,


Pastor Dan Catlin



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Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry



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Mailing address

230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851


Phone 316-619-4886