George Barna leads the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, and a very alarming survey that they released last month contained some jaw-dropping results. The following numbers from the survey are specifically for "evangelical Christians"…
• 48% believe a person who is good enough or does enough good works can earn eternal salvation
• 44% do not believe that history is the unfolding narrative of God's reality
• 44% claim the Bible is ambiguous in its teaching about abortion
• 43% maintain that when Jesus was on earth, He sinned
• 43% do not believe that there is a common, God-given purpose to humanity (i.e., to know, love and serve Him)
• 42% seek moral guidance primarily from sources other than the Bible
• 42% do not identify and confess their sins on a daily basis
• 40% do not believe that human life is sacred
• 40% accept lying as morally acceptable if it advances personal interests or protect one's reputation
• 39% identify the people they always respect as being only those who have the same beliefs as they possess
• 36% prefer socialism to capitalism
• 36% fail to seek and pursue God's will for their life each day
• 34% reject the idea of legitimate marriage as one man and one woman
• 34% argue that abortion is morally acceptable if it spares the mother from financial or emotional discomfort or hardship
• 32% do not thank or worship God each day
Unfortunately, the figures in this particular survey are quite consistent with other surveys that have also found that about a third of all evangelicals now support abortion and gay marriage.
Beyond that, the bigger issue is that large numbers of "evangelicals" now reject the very basic doctrinal beliefs that would supposedly make them "evangelical" in the first place.