Monday, November 30, 2020
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Thursday, November 26, 2020
From the front lines..THANKSGIVING!
Well it's almost over we have the gate still open but it's been a pretty big day..sad to see it going as we love it so much! The Devil tried to spoil it but again he just did not win….
Later in the meal
The Feeding and Prayer (simple blessing)
Preparation the night before..up till 7 AM
Lift us in prayer, help if you can,
In His Perfect Peace,
Pastor Dan Catlin
National Satellite and Live on Net Worldwide
Pod-cast Archives (webcast) RSS feed
Breaking News and Radio Blog
Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry
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Mailing address
230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
DNA Results of the Paracas Elongated Skulls of Peru are Finally Revealed - Knowledge
From the Front Lines...Feeding, Shoes, and important Thanksgiving Update
We did 73 plates today, Friday was 79, we are planning on 150 on Thanksgiving! We do have enough turkey if 250 show up…but we are still missing some odds and ends…we need so last minute funds for Tomorrow! So help us pray in a few hundred…normally we have always one last trip on Wed…before Thanksgiving….this year we need prayers for that!
Lift us in prayer help if you can,
In His Perfect Peace,
Pastor Dan Catlin
National Satellite and Live on Net Worldwide
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Breaking News and Radio Blog
Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry
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Mailing address
230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Thanksgiving update
Luke 14:13
"But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind:"
King James Version (KJV
Just left the store, when we checked out my wife said she has about $2 and change left, we still need other things, so pray for us we get to the finish line as we still need a few hundred…
Lift us in prayer, help if you can!
In His Perfect Peace,
Pastor Dan Catlin
National Satellite and Live on Net Worldwide
Pod-cast Archives (webcast) RSS feed
Breaking News and Radio Blog
Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry
Donations and Contact
Mailing address
230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851
Sidney Powell has "smoking gun evidence" to PROVE massive election fraud in the next two weeks -
Friday, November 20, 2020
Acting defense secretary orders top special ops civilian to report directly to him - U.S. - Stripes
Thousands of birds dive-bomb into homes and attack people in Santa Cruz, California in video - Strange Sounds
Thursday, November 19, 2020
November 19, 2020 09:14 PM PST
Pastor Dan and Linda Catlin
Trump Recount Committee member Brian Trascher claimed overseas servers for voting machine company Dominion have been seized.
"Now that we have seized the servers for Dominion that were over in Germany, we're starting to get some raw data off of that," he explained.
"I want everybody to listen to me. The things that are going to come out are going to shake the globalists to their very core."
Next, Trascher warned Americans that the months of rioting seen around the country leading up to the election will appear tame in comparison to what will be unleashed once Trump is re-elected.
"When President Trump is declared the winner of this election, what you saw last weekend in the streets with Trump supporters getting attacked in DC, that's nothing.
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End Time Radio By Messiah's Branch - PROPHECY HOUR: A DARK WINTER!
November 19, 2020 09:04 PM PST
Michael T. Snyder
While we predict a Trump win...Biden could get there but whoever looks like we are in store for some dark times!
Another do not Miss End-Time Radio program as "We are Warning the World as it HAPPENS!"
Please visit
"Remember we do not 100% agree with everything our guests, say, do, or believe. It's up to you to pray and sort it out!"
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UFO caught flying up at high speeds over lake in UK! - Ancient Aliens
9 Key Points from Trump Campaign Press Conference on Challenges to Election Results
Rudy Giuliani Trump Campaign Press Conference Transcript November 19: Election Fraud Claims - Rev
Panic And Desperation Sweep Across America As Fears Of A "Dark Winter" Continue To Rise
Dominion Servers Seized In Germany - Findings Will "Shake The Globalists to Their Core" - NewsWars
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Saudi Lawyer Claims Al-Aqsa Mosque's True Location 'is Not In Jerusalem' - I24news
San Diego strip clubs reopen, but churches ordered to remain closed in California
The US Election Was Hacked - Trump Makes His First Real Move
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
A bibliography of UFO books on the demonic hypothesis - Malcolm Nicholson
COVID Plans Include Family Separation & Involuntary Quarantine in "Camps" - Alliance for Human Research Protection
THIS WILL HAPPEN IF BIDEN GET'S IN!!!!!!!!COVID Plans Include Family Separation & Involuntary Quarantine in "Camps" - Alliance for Human Research Protection
CDC calls for "isolation camps" as part of a "Shielding Plan".
The plan subjects U.S. Citizens and residents who are deemed "high risk" for Covid-19 to be forcibly removed from their families and homes, and involuntarily isolated in guarded Camps.
• The public first got wind of this impending nightmare on May 4, 2020, when Governor Gavin Newson of California announced that the "army" – his word – will start with a deployment of 3,000 and grow to the 20,000 mark to chase down who, what, where, and with whom COVID positive people have had connections: "the tracing component requires workforce and to identify individuals who tested positive…to ID their contacts (with privacy) and maybe quarantine individuals to stop the spread of the disease."
Original CDC document
Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings
What is the Shielding Approach1?
The shielding approach aims to reduce the number of severe COVID-19 cases by limiting contact between individuals at higher risk of developing severe disease ("high-risk") and the general population ("low-risk"). High-risk individuals would be temporarily relocated to safe or "green zones" established at the household, neighborhood, camp/sector or community level depending on the context and setting.1,2 They would have minimal contact with family members and other low-risk residents.
Current evidence indicates that older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.3 In most humanitarian settings, older population groups make up a small percentage of the total population.4,5 For this reason, the shielding approach suggests physically separating high-risk individuals from the general population to prioritize the use of the limited available resources and avoid implementing long-term containment measures among the general population.
In theory, shielding may serve its objective to protect high-risk populations from disease and death. However, implementation of the approach necessitates strict adherence1,6,7, to protocol. Inadvertent introduction of the virus into a green zone may result in rapid transmission among the most vulnerable populations the approach is trying to protect.
A summary of the shielding approach described by Favas is shown in Table 1. See Guidance for the prevention of COVID-19 infections among high-risk individuals in low-resource, displaced and camp and camp-like settings 1,2 for full details.
Monday, November 16, 2020
Leaked Footage Showing US Soldiers Talking About Alien Beings, UFOs and Majestic 12 - History Radar
Special Report: Evangelical Christianity In Crisis
George Barna leads the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, and a very alarming survey that they released last month contained some jaw-dropping results. The following numbers from the survey are specifically for "evangelical Christians"…
• 48% believe a person who is good enough or does enough good works can earn eternal salvation
• 44% do not believe that history is the unfolding narrative of God's reality
• 44% claim the Bible is ambiguous in its teaching about abortion
• 43% maintain that when Jesus was on earth, He sinned
• 43% do not believe that there is a common, God-given purpose to humanity (i.e., to know, love and serve Him)
• 42% seek moral guidance primarily from sources other than the Bible
• 42% do not identify and confess their sins on a daily basis
• 40% do not believe that human life is sacred
• 40% accept lying as morally acceptable if it advances personal interests or protect one's reputation
• 39% identify the people they always respect as being only those who have the same beliefs as they possess
• 36% prefer socialism to capitalism
• 36% fail to seek and pursue God's will for their life each day
• 34% reject the idea of legitimate marriage as one man and one woman
• 34% argue that abortion is morally acceptable if it spares the mother from financial or emotional discomfort or hardship
• 32% do not thank or worship God each day
Unfortunately, the figures in this particular survey are quite consistent with other surveys that have also found that about a third of all evangelicals now support abortion and gay marriage.
Beyond that, the bigger issue is that large numbers of "evangelicals" now reject the very basic doctrinal beliefs that would supposedly make them "evangelical" in the first place.
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Friday, November 13, 2020
We fed 85 people today....
We fed 85 people today when we generally do 60 or 65…my guess it is going to keep increasing so we will prepare or have enough for 100 feedings at least..and or back up food for sandwiches…so now we are in the cold season, we have brought nothing in no donation for thanksgiving yes which my guess 150 or more will show up for food on Thanksgiving our busiest day of the year
Lift us in prayer, help if you can
Snack Bags
Food that came today
In His Perfect Peace,
Pastor Dan Catlin
National Satellite and Live on Net Worldwide
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Breaking News and Radio Blog
Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry
Donations and Contact
Mailing address
230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851
Thursday, November 12, 2020
November 12, 2020 07:58 PM PST
Pastor Dan and Linda Catlin
What is going on leftist Governors are demanding lock downs which will destroy the Holidays and cause food shortages!
Dr. Eric Nepute...covid numbers
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November 12, 2020 08:04 PM PST
Pastor Carl Gallups
In February 2009, the Obama administration commandeered a powerful supercomputer system known as THE HAMMER. THE HAMMER includes an exploit application known as SCORECARD that is capable of hacking into elections and stealing the vote, according to CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery, who designed and built THE HAMMER. This was used by Obama and was first broke by Pastor Carl Gallups in 2016 on his program and Prophecy Hour...tonight he takes us into happens in this election which seems to add up!
"Evidence!" CIA SCORECARD And THE HAMMER Used To Alter Election Counting Machines For Biden"
Another do not Miss End-Time Radio program as "We are Warning the World as it HAPPENS!"
Please visit
"Remember we do not 100% agree with everything our guests, say, do, or believe. It's up to you to pray and sort it out!"
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Even stricter COVID lockdowns are coming, and they are going to be extremely devastating for the U.S. economy
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Blessing of a Stove and something of Grave importance...
Frist the Blessing, last night I would out someone called my wife and talked with her about a stove for the Mission Church...they had funds $300 to go try and buy a used stove for us..GREAT....we just need something atht all the burners work...well later the same person (who by the way $300 is a lot of money to a family man) called back and said there was a stove sale new stoves someplace and he was gonna go pay for one on Sunday... so we were very blessed, here is a video I made about it today...
Ok the grave importance, as you are getting this by email, you are on our Mission Update list or PNS list (Prophetic News Service), these are what you call Yahoo groups ...OK Yahoo was bought out by verizion recenly, well this year I think it was, and they are doing away with different things within Yahoo...the groups is one of them...
Unless I can find another list server these lists are gone come January1. These lists are critcal to our exsitance as they tell you of minsitry needs and keep you informed. We have to find a way to email out to you as much as we WANT! Let alone Yahoo has been censoring what I send so it has been tough but guess who else has been doing the same thing and has cut mne back with sending you what we want..yep our free website which si a free google you have not been getting the most important things I have wanted to again right when you needed us I could not deliever..
I am asking if any of you know some solutions, there are word press web sites you can make that will send anything out I post, problem is I do not know how to use them..there are people who can set them up for me and show me how to post after..problem is I have to pay is a bad time for this country we are needed, it is also a very prophetic time for the world..we are aponited to warn...
So I need help, prayers, knowledge, and fundraising a $1,000..also a hard time to ask as we are trying to raise funds for winter feeding Two big meals...frist Thanksgiving which we will do at least 120 or more people and then December 25th. As no one opens that day and we are needed..we are right out there on the front lines working for YESHUA and OUR HEAVEN FATHER YAHWEH!
Lift us in Prayer, Help if you can
In HIS Perfect Peace,
Pastor Dan Catlin
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Phone 316-619-4886
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
From the Front Lines..feeding the people..and Thanksgiving coming
My big thoughts for the day are I need help badly to get our email mailing lists to another server as Yahoo groups is going away Jan. 1st we have used them for mission update and PNS lists since 1999 well they are going away, we also badly need to get to a word press non google web site because they are censoring…have you folks not noticed the decline in the amount of news we put out?
Also support for Thanksgiving
From the Front Lines..PART ONE feeding the people
From the Front Lines..PART TWO feeding the people
Lift us in prayer, help if you can,
In His Perfect Peace,
Pastor Dan Catlin
National Satellite and Live on Net Worldwide
Pod-cast Archives (webcast) RSS feed
Breaking News and Radio Blog
Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry
Donations and Contact
Mailing address
230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851
Monday, November 9, 2020
Chaos IS the Plan...Transition Integrity Project (TIP),
Back in 2019, these completely neutral political observers took it upon themselves to organize something called the Transition Integrity Project (TIP), bringing together a "bipartisan" group of politicos to simulate four different scenarios "aimed at identifying potential risks to the integrity of the 2020 election and transition process."
And who, exactly, did Brooks and Gilman bring on board for this totally bipartisan endeavour?
Oh, just concerned and distinterested political observers like John "Pizzagate" Podesta, Donna "DNC Rigger" Brazile, William "Neocon" Kristol and David "Axis of Evil" Frum.
See? It was a totally bipartisan effort involving deep state operatives from both sides of the phoney left/right political spectrum!
The four scenarios that the group simulated were as follows:
• Scenario A: Democratic party candidate Joe Biden wins both the popular vote and the Electoral College by a healthy margin;
• Scenario B: Biden wins both the popular vote and the Electoral College by a narrow margin;
• Scenario C: President Trump wins the Electoral College vote by a narrow margin, but loses the popular vote by a healthy margin;
• Scenario D: The winner of the election was not known as of the morning after the election and the outcome of the race was too close to predict with certainty.
The report that they produced this past August (and which the controlled corporate media dutifully fawned all over) lays out in black and white the exact (organized) chaos that we have seen play out over the last few days, noting that:
• The concept of "election night," is no longer accurate and indeed is dangerous.
• A determined campaign has opportunity to contest the election into January 2021.
• The administrative transition process itself may be highly disrupted.
The first part of their prediction has already started to unfold: "We anticipate lawsuits, divergent media narratives, attempts to stop the counting of ballots, and protests drawing people from both sides.
President Trump, the incumbent, will very likely use the executive branch to aid his campaign strategy, including through the Department of Justice."
Software that incorrectly gave Biden thousands of Michigan votes used in 28 other states | Just The News
Temple Priests Prepare To Serve In Rebuilt Temple With New Training School
Ohio Attorney General Asks US Supreme Court to Overturn Ruling that Extended Deadline For Mail-in Ballots in Pennsylvania
Trump may invoke the Fourteenth Amendment to strip Electoral College votes from states engaged in an illegal INSURRECTION against our republic
SAVE THE REPUBLIC: Trump may invoke the Fourteenth Amendment to strip Electoral College votes from states engaged in an illegal INSURRECTION against our republic
Thursday, November 05, 2020 by: Mike Adams We are printing this whole article because of the author's censorship on various sites such as face-book and twitter find all his articles at his site which is naturalnews .com
(Natural News) Two months ago, I detailed Trump's powers under the Fourteenth Amendment, which grants the President the power to declare an illegal insurrection against the United States of America and strip Electoral College votes from states which are engaged in a coordinated insurrection. The blatant, brazen vote stuffing fraud now taking place in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and other states reveals a pattern of criminal insurrection taking place via organized vote fraud. This is a form of criminal insurrection against the United States of America.
As I wrote in September:
The Fourteenth Amendment speaks directly to the powers of the federal government in dealing with officials, individuals and states that are engaged in "rebellion" against the United States of America.
Specifically, the Fourteenth Amendment grants the U.S. President the power to:
• Arrest and indefinitely hold all public officials — including mayors, governors, state legislators, federal judges and law enforcement officials — who support "rebellion" against the United States or who have "given aid or comfort" to the enemies of America. (Section 3)
• Eliminate House of Representatives positions for California and other states which are engaged in supporting Big Tech censorship platforms that are supporting rebellion against the United States of America and "abridging" the right of voting-aged citizens to participate in elections (via censorship). This implies that Electoral College votes would also be proportionally reduced in these states. (Section 2) It would also apply to states like Oregon which are reportedly funding "war encampment" installations that house insurrectionists who are unleashed each night to attack federal buildings and federal law enforcement officers.
• Eliminate all federal financial support for cities and states which are engaged in "insurrection or rebellion" against the United States. Section 3 specifically states that all such claims of federal money obligations to the states "shall be held illegal and void." (Section 4)
In essence, the Fourteenth Amendment grants American citizens "equal protection" under law, but for public officials or states which are engaged in "insurrection or rebellion" against the United States, those equal protections are revoked.
The Democrats already know all this, which is why they are pursuing a plan of election chaos, hoping to throw the entire election process into mass confusion, from which they plan to attempt an illegal coup to eliminate Trump from office and claim political power over the nation.
If California is protecting Big Tech's politically targeted censorship of Americans, then California's Electoral College votes can be revoked
What the Fourteenth Amendment clearly says is that when states are engaged in open rebellion against the Constitution and the United States of America, they can be declared to be "insurrectionist" states and blocked from having their Electoral College votes count.
The president's power to declare this insurrection and remove states from the Electoral College system is directly described in the Fourteenth Amendment,
Section 2:
[W]hen the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.
In other words, by committing ballot fraud and supporting nationwide censorship via Big Tech, states like California, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, Illinois and others have "abridged" the right of people to vote. Voting in a fair and free election requires access to fair and free information, and that's exactly what Big Tech censorship has denied the American people.
Furthermore, Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment allows the president to remove from public office any public official or member of Congress who has violated their sworn oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution.
As stated in Sec. 3:
No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.
It's time for President Trump to declare an insurrection / rebellion to be under way in the United States, call for the arrest of Big Tech CEOs like Jack Dorsey, and remove from public office all traitors in the House and Senate (as well as mayors and governors) who are enemies of the United States Constitution.
These powers are clearly described in the Fourteenth Amendment, and it seems history has brought us to this moment where President Donald J. Trump must invoke it to save the Republic.
We cannot sit back and allow blatant, illegal, coordinated vote fraud to steal this nation. Joe Biden publicly bragged about having, "the most extensive voter fraud organization" in the history of American politics. That is an admission of felony crimes against the United States of America.
HUGE: Trump fires deep state Defense Secretary Mark Esper, indicating A likely plan for military involvement in a declaration of insurrection
HUGE: Trump fires deep state Defense Secretary Mark Esper, indicating a likely plan for military involvement in a declaration of insurrection
Monday, November 09, 2020 by: Mike Adams..We are printing this whole article because of the author's censorship on various sites such as face-book and twitter find all his articles at his site which is naturalnews .com
Multiple media outlets are reporting today that President Trump has just fired Mark Esper, the Defense Secretary and a known deep stater who opposes Trump's authority. He is being replaced by Christopher Miller, Director of the National Counterterrorism Center.
Understand that the election theft was conducted in real time on Nov. 3rd, using the Dominion software, created by a corporation partially owned by Nancy Pelosi.
During the election, the real-time data were shunted offshore, where calculations were run to produce action lists for stealing the votes in swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan, and then Hammer and Scorecard (created by the CIA) were used to alter the votes in real time, in the voting machines.
Multiple media outlets are reporting today that President Trump has just fired Mark Esper, the Defense Secretary and a known deep stater who opposes Trump's authority. He is being replaced by Christopher Miller, Director of the National Counterterrorism Center.
Understand that the election theft was conducted in real time on Nov. 3rd, using the Dominion software, created by a corporation partially owned by Nancy Pelosi. During the election, the real-time data were shunted offshore, where calculations were run to produce action lists for stealing the votes in swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan, and then Hammer and Scorecard (created by the CIA) were used to alter the votes in real time, in the voting machines.
Deep source insiders have been telling me for days that an "epic counter attack" against the deep state is about to be launched by Trump. We don't know the details about this counter attack, but we do know that Trump has two options which involve deploying the military to save the Republic:
Option #1) Invoke the Insurrection Act and declare the Democrats' blatant vote rigging and outrageous censorship to be a "rebellion" against the United States of America. Order military police to arrest the thousands of high-level traitors who tried to carry out a communist-influenced coup against the United States, including all the CEOs of Big Tech as well as the heads of the corrupt Democrat party. More details here.
Option #2) Invoke Sec. 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment, which calls for Trump to strip Electoral College votes from all states engaged in acts of rebellion against the United States, which of course includes rigged election theft and vote fraud. More details here. And here.
Both of these options will likely require deploying elements of the military in left-wing cities in order to first carry out the arrests of the traitors and then maintain the rule of law as left-wing terrorists rise up and try to stage a kinetic coup / civil war in America's streets.
Because Mark Esper is a left-leaning deep state traitor, he had to be removed and replaced in a run-up to Trump launching his counter attack against America's domestic enemies.
Watch for possible firings of Christopher Wray (FBI) and Gina Haspel (CIA) in the coming days. Bill Barr at the DOJ may even be on the chopping block, as he has proven to be nothing more than another deep state actor who used his power to protect the left-wing traitors who are trying to destroy America.
Mass arrests coming?
Rumors are circulating about "10 days of darkness" during which there will be a nationwide internet outage as Trump's patriots make thousands of arrests of left-wing traitors.
This rumor seems to be wishful thinking, so don't make any plans based on it, but there's no question that Trump knew this election would be stolen, as he repeatedly warned about it in advance. Trump is a strategic genius, and that means he planned for this. Is there a sting operation under way? We don't know for sure, but we are certain none of this vote rigging was a surprise to Trump.
Now, with Esper being replaced, it's a strong indication that Trump is planning a role for the U.S. military in defending this Republic against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The corrupt, criminal Democrats must be brought down or we lose this country forever. Trump knows that, and he's about to launch a counter attack that will be nothing less than historic.
Prepare yourself, patriots. When Trump defeats Biden and the deep state, the lunatic Left will explode with violence all across America. They will activate their last-ditch effort to overthrow America by force. When that day comes, it's a "weapons free" moment for all patriots to defend their nation and their president against those domestic enemies who are trying to destroy it all.
Saturday, November 7, 2020
Videos of 12,000-year-old Anunnaki Sleeping in Stasis Found in Iran - Ready to Awaken? - Alien News
Thursday, November 5, 2020
Why Does Earth Pulsate Every 26 Seconds? | Latest Seismology News
November 05, 2020 07:23 PM PST
Pastor Dan and Linda Catlin with Frank as Special Guest
Is the election being stolen in plain sight? It sure looks that way...Will it stand?
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