Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Gloves and Mission update



On many things we are doing better and I had hoped we would not slip into the now normal low donations we have been getting or not getting rather in December do to the holidays…


The 25th even businesses will be closed so the places were so many hang out are just not open…so we always open on the 25th as we are here to help, and not because that we celebrate Christmas…we do celebrate Hanukkah as Yeshua the light of the world was conceived during that time…the 8 days start Night fall on December 22..so to us the 25th is another day of the 8…


Back to donations we are now in the December January Slump of donation so I need to ask for your help, we are really in need now as I do not even have Monday for Friday nor travel funds and money for today…radio also needs paid…  

So please pray about helping us out at this time…


Yes we really badly need gloves….


Lift us in prayer help today if you can


In HIS Perfect Peace,


Pastor Dan Catlin



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230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851


Phone 316-619-4886