Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Pope's proposal for 'new humanism' would 'wipe out Christianity': Mother Miriam | News | LifeSite   


Mother Miriam called the pope's initiative to globalize education "demonic." 


"This is not to protect the family at all. An educational village that will once and for all destroy the family and the human race."

She was careful to emphasize that she was calling the proposition, not the pope, demonic.


Pope Francis stated that to reach his proposed objectives, everyone needs to "have the courage to place the human person at the center" and to "train individuals who are ready to offer themselves in service of the community." 


To this Mother responded, "Isn't that what is wrong with our world today, beloved? Instead of placing Christ at the center, we place man at the center?"

The article Mother went through outlined the pope's objectives, including to "heal the fracture between man and the Absolute."

Mother noted that "the Absolute" is an ambiguous phrase and could refer to Buddha, the Muslim god, or any god. "What happened to God? The Absolute is not one of God's names."