Thursday, July 18, 2019

USGS Data Analyst Reveals A "New Supervolcano" Is Forming Under Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake In California - The Clover Chronicle


Yellowstone Picture, CALIFORNIA new volcano is bigger…..


Here is their alarming message:


I work at [the] USGS headquarters as one of the main data analysts. We have been coordinating with other agencies around the world to censor information and not cause a panic. I was flown out with a team of [geologists] to Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake to map the area and see what's down there. Unfortunately, we found there is a huge chamber of magma far, far larger than even Yellowstone. We have now confirmed it's a new supervolcano forming.


The magma chamber is very active but it is not yet rising to the surface. We fear that another major quake may cause a large fracture enabling the magma to shoot to the surface. FEMA, the National Guard and other agencies have been alerted and are on standby to evacuate key VIPs. You may see blackhawks arriving in LA picking up people evacuating them as well as other major cities. We've been censoring and removing fault lines and earthquakes from the live feeds as the faults have expanded. There will be no mention of this anywhere, so leave now as the fireworks are ready to start.