Sunday, January 13, 2019

Mission update great food, heater, radio, and a praise report

KJV Colossians  Chapter 3: 23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord (Yahweh), and not unto men;
24Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. ( Yeshua Ha Mesciah)

This one of my very favorite meals to make for the people that come to eat at the Wichita Mission Church.  Let's talk about the sauce first, this will vary depending on what has came in with donations and or how much money we have so this was what went into it Friday….

2 number 10 can's of whole tomatoes
1 number 10 can of pizza sauce
1 number 10 can of crushed tomatoes
Roughly half a number 10 can of water
2  3.4 oz bottles of Garlic Powder
2  3.4 oz bottles of basil
½  3.4 oz bottle of red pepper
1 palm full of kosher salt
12  large red, yellow, and orange bell peppers
6 large green bell peppers
1 bag of small red, yellow, orange sweet peppers
5 pounds of small yellow onions quartered
Palm full of white sugar more, more, or less
5 pounds of hamburger
Folks this is the sauce alone (no I did not tell you how I did this) serve this over 8 pounds of spaghetti or macaroni , with garlic bread, donut, along with two large pans of my wonderful potatoes (20 pounds) with made in the oven with garlic powder, chives, kosher salt, green peppers, onions…oh and all the coffee, tea and water you need , Friday served 67 people and enough left over that 10 plates will be severed out from what's left…

Galatians Chapter 6: 7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 8For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. 9And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. 10As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

KJV Ephesians  Chapter 2 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9Not of works, lest any man should boast. 10For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus (Yeshua Ha Mesciah) unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

This was a bunch of cutting up of vegetables, the did not come pre-cut, the whole process over  3 hours, I did get someone to help cutting up some of the onions J  yes it was a lot of work with my bad hands but I know you are supposed to "Love your neighbor as yourself and give your best to Yahweh first" so the work was easy and came as it should natural…..
Everyone who comes in loves my pasta dishes but the secret is that I am doing it to give to HIM…..( we also served donuts, cookies, and gave away 50 pounds of potatoes, and did 8-9 dozen egg sandwiches Friday)

Praise report
During this time a man came in and spoke to me from the kitchen door, a couple of summer's ago when we were cleaning, painting, upgrading things, a fellow brought this fellow in, he had no shoes on his feet and was having drinking problems, so I got him shoes, fed, him, and took him in the office anointing him with oil praying on him, and never saw him again that is till he appeared in the kitchen door…
He came to thank me for what I did for him pointing to the shoes and the miracle prayer, he gave me a business card for a Wichita Church that is now trying to do all they can for the homeless, bringing many things together …he attributes what is going on to the prayer said for him…nothing else needs said..
My last update was about the heater…as a I said an elder worked on it and fixed the board but we still bought a used one which we will place on when it comes saving the current board that runs the heater as back-up as no one sent any funds in response. We did have some funds that were for a personal blessing to my wife and I but we used them for this and also to pay Mission Bills so the FATHER  had already provided and I am thankful very much to my wife….and of course to the ministry that made the donation…

Yes radio need's paid $250….we also need another up to date computer and a laptop as my laptop while very highly upgraded to  old to pack around I have permanently left it at the Mission Church because it is needed badly for more than one thing so I am left without one to use at home and take around with me….pray I book the right radio guests
Other things

We need Bibles very badly, prefer large print KJV Bibles, some even send used….we had a woman drop off some hygiene bags she made up for ladies of course they are gone, we need blankets, some gloves came in the mail I bet will be  gone come Tuesday, we need clothing donations, more medications over the counter  as now people are in need and I gave all but maybe two bottles of cough syrup out Friday….

This one woman who I prayed on who had gotten jumped and her arm broken, losing everything asked for a large print KJV Bibles, I had one someone sent in its box as it was new with a leather cover, it was what I had and she was o overjoyed to receive it, get it she asked for a Bible and some had sent her a big blessing…..oh and yes we need some help on a couple of blogs web site main site…
Lift us in prayer, help if you can
In HIS Perfect Peace,
Pastor Dan Catlin
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