Thursday, April 5, 2018

The Hebrew Hallelujah..From Israel Bible Center

From Israel Bible Center

There might not be a single person alive in the Judeo-Christian world who isn't familiar with the word Hallelujah. We've all heard this word repeated time and again in various contexts. This word was adopted from Hebrew; in English it is called a Hebrew loan word. But what does this word mean in Hebrew? The word "Hallelujah" (הָּויּלְלַה (is actually two Hebrew words put together, hallelu (וּלְלַה (and Yah (הָּי .(ּWe call these compound words. The first word, hallelu, is literally an exhortation to praise someone or something, addressed to more than one person (a plural "you"). The old English translation "Praise ye" is therefore accurate. The second component, Yah, is an abbreviated version of יהוה) or YHWH in English transliteration), the covenant name of Israel's God.

The Rest is a free ebook here

In HIS Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin

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