Monday, August 31, 2020

Do We Even Know What An "Evangelical Christian" Is Anymore? - End Of The American Dream

Five in Ten 8/31/20: The Pagan Roots of BLM - YouTube

Cloward-Piven Strategy To Destroy America Resurgent Amid BLM/Antifa-Led Riots | Zero Hedge

Muslims Caught Hiding Secret Shaft on Temple Mount from 2nd Temple Period - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

Ken Buck doubles down on Rand Paul's call for investigation into funding of violent protests | Fox News

Friday, August 28, 2020

The Apocalyptic Gospel -

Food storages coming and Feeding the people





Folks you really better get stocked up and here is how I know why, some people we call the food truck bring us food when they have more than they can use or it's almost ready to go bad sometimes part of it is….they in turn are donated food from the food bank…the food bank currently hardly has any food because why the stores who donate the food give it to them before it expires the extra if you will….the stores have hardly had anything extra….


So we are buying most all what we feed out and it adds up quick, we are buying meat back as the store has it…..which my wife cleaned out the local store because right now hamburger is only $250 a pound…folks get your shelves and freezer full get ready for this tough winter….we are at about half of what we need…not talking about meat with us but other things…


Anyway here is the video from today…




In His Perfect, Peace,


In His Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin


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Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry

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230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851



Thursday, August 27, 2020

President Trump: “All Children, Born and Unborn, Have a God-Given Right to Life”

August 27, 2020 08:04 PM PDT
Pelosi declares Republicans to be "enemies of the state" and launches plan to seize the White House by force… the season of TREASON is here

End Time Radio By Messiah's Branch - PROPHECY HOUR: KAMALA HARRIS CAN SHE RUN?
August 27, 2020 07:55 PM PDT
Pastor Carl explain who can run for president and who cannot...uses John Me Cain as an example
Another do not Miss End-Time Radio program as "We are Warning the World as it HAPPENS!"
Please visit
"Remember we do not 100% agree with everything our guests, say, do, or believe. It's up to you to pray and sort it out!"

2020 Election Nightmare: Armies Of Lawyers Are Ready To Fight A Long Legal Battle Over The Election Results - End Of The American Dream

"Hail Satan": After Terrorizing Churches, BLM Witchcraft Exposed  


There is now proof that there are very dark forces behind Black Lives Matter, and it's not just the blatant Marxism of its founders and leaders. The darkness literally includes summoning dead spirits and allowing them to work through BLM leaders. Sound crazy? BLM bosses admit it.

Judge Napolitano explains if Pelosi could become acting president if election results are delayed past Jan. 20 | Fox News

Mainstream media is LYING about American hero Kyle Rittenhouse's act of self-defense -

"Famine of biblical proportions" headed our way due to COVID-19, warns UN food chief -

Teen, 17, absurdly charged with murder in Kenosha for DEFENDING himself from BLM thugs and rioters: How come the terrorists are never charged? -

Left-wing rioters in Kenosha are now setting fire to apartment buildings with families trapped inside -

(459) Pastor Dana Coverstone: Elections, Trump Victory and Warning #PropheticDreams #USA - YouTube

Pastor Dana Coverstone Just Had A Shocking New Dream About Election Day In November

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Firefighters and responders brace for more fires spreading across California -

Dana Coverstone December 16, 2019 on Prophecy Club

March: COVID-19 and June: Riots in the Streets

Dana Coverstone December 16, 2019 on Prophecy Club, 6-30-2020

December 16th on a Monday night I had that first part of the dream and in that dream I saw a calendar. The calendar started in January of 2020. The calendar flipped through January, February and when it got to March I saw a finger of a hand underline the name March and tap it three times. Emphasizing March. Then I saw April, May and June and the finger underlined June and tapped it three times and I began to see visions.

I saw people wearing masks. I saw pandemic I actually saw the word “pandemic” over and over and over and over and over. I saw things with government. I saw chaos. Lines at hospitals, people protesting and marching. I saw buildings on fire and looting. I saw desperate people hiding in their homes. The primary thing I saw was protests and people wearing masks. Not all were medical masks but the kind of masks bank robbers wore in old westerns.
I told them in the dream to some congregation members. Then when March hits and June then suddenly these

things start happening and I realized what I was shown was now in the news. I was shown news headlines in advance. Just as in my dream there were pandemics and chaos. Now in March we have lockdowns, we have schools closing every day as I watched the news I began to realize that these are the things that I saw back in December.

November: Internal Revolution?
Dream given to Pastor Dana Coverstone on Monday, June 22, 2020 with additions from interview with Prophecy Club on 6-30-2020

I had another dream. I saw a calendar. The calendar was up and a white figure appeared. To me it was representing God, the Holy Spirit, something pure, something righteous, something true, something holy, because there was nothing, nothing sinister about it, nothing evil.

I heard the voice say, “PART TWO, PART TWO.” I saw June go up. I saw July. I saw August, then September. I saw the finger underneath the word September, emphasizing it. It tapped it three times.


Then I saw October come up. I saw November. This is when it got really intense. The finger underlined November three times but instead of tapping it, I saw a fist ball up and it hit the calendar! The calendar exploded into the wall. The numbers seemed to be 3D. They were falling; and flying everywhere; visions started. I saw even more intense chaos. I saw armed protesters. I saw fighting in the streets. I saw people pummeling one another. I heard gunfire, constant gunfire. I saw people hiding in their homes with the lights out with a gun in their hand and looking back to check on their families!

I saw businesses shuttered and closed up. I saw schools closed. I saw school rooms with cobwebs hanging in them. There were things like papers falling off the wall along with posters. It felt like no one had been in them for months. I saw bank buildings with the roofs being taken off. It looked almost like an alien abduction, 
because money was just flying through the roof into something like a vacuum cleaner. 

I saw wealth being taken away. I saw politicians in back rooms, making deals with people, patting other people on the back and laughing and smiling and smirking.

I saw monuments. I saw Washington D.C. burning set ablaze. I saw capitols surrounded. I saw state houses, state capitols surrounded and the people screaming making outrageous demands.
I saw that all the curtains pulled in the Oval Office and the White House. I saw nobody moving around. I was shown inside the actual Oval Office and I saw no one in that office no one was seated in the seat. There was no cabinet members, no secretary, no one in the Oval Office. 

I saw a long conference table and I saw Senators, but I did not see Congress. I saw members of the Senate I recognized the faces and would know the names. I saw them sitting in a room that was very peaceful there was no rush or panic. Even though outside the windows of that room I could see there were fires burning. 

There was chaos outside. These men were very very resolute they were very very patient they were looking at their watches. They were in no hurry.

I saw briefcases. Now in our day and age briefcases are a thing of the past. I saw piles, stacks and stacks and stacks and piles and piles of briefcases on this long conference table where these men were talking. 

I saw the former Senator from Dakota handing folders sealed with a clasp. He was pushing these file folders to different Senators. They were putting the sealed papers in those briefcases and then locking them. Again, they were very resolute and not in a hurry to get anywhere.

I saw fires everywhere. I saw people being rounded up. I saw Chinese and Russian soldiers on the ground. Russian soldiers were telling the Chinese soldiers to go and pick up these people, round up these people, secure this quadrant, secure this area.
I saw blue helmets of the UN. 

I saw military things taking place. I also saw no sign of President Trump. I saw no sign of leadership in Washington DC. The vultures that I had seen were now like gargoyles, and they were ten feet off the ground, ten to fifteen feet off the ground, and they were just attacking people mercilessly. 

I saw people hiding in their homes and garages. I saw churches being burned. I saw homes being burned. I saw absolute chaos. The fist-punch on the November calendar of 2020 is what got my attention. Then I heard the words again, “Brace yourself! Brace yourself! Brace yourself!”

Broken Pulpits Burning Churches
Dream, Pastor Dana Coverstone December 2020
Back in December I woke up, I had a dream. In that dream I saw a calendar. Starting January 2020.

It was being flipped.  I saw January, February and March.  When March came up the hand held it and I saw the finger underline the month of March, and the tap it three times.
Underline March, tapped it three times.
To me it was emphasis, something’s going to happen in March.
Then I saw April, May, June. When June came, the hand underlined June again and tapped it three times.

Then, I saw a vision. I saw people marching, I saw protests. I saw people wearing masks, I saw lines going into hospitals. I saw typical medical doctors with needles or syringes, I saw people on ventilators I saw people who were very, very sick, very, very ill. I saw newspaper headlines trumpeting thousands of people getting sick. I saw ambulances, just flying down roads, and then I saw cities on fire.

I saw buildings being burned. I saw protesters with masks. I saw people who had their fists in the air, people who were yelling and screaming angry at just at the world. I saw courthouses and state houses surrounded.  
I saw people who were mad at the world. I saw guns shotguns specifically put in the air, held like this, (showing above his head) and I saw barriers within cities.
I told several men in my church about this and I can confirm who those men were and they’ll confirm what I’m telling you is what I told them.
I saw absolute chaos. I saw was vultures flying over large cities, not just the ones that were burning but I saw those was flying over other cities. I saw smoke rising. I saw people in fear. I saw people terrified I saw people inside their homes looking out the windows. I saw criminals at their windows with guns in their hands because it was absolute fear.

Then I heard the words. “Brace yourself. Brace yourself”.
So since December I’ve been hearing those words. ” Brace yourself. Brace yourself.”

January, February came, it didn’t seem too much. I reminded the men of the dream and then in March term COVID-19 hit and things started shutting down. Churches were shut down, business were shut down, the economy shut down.

Then we began to see the protests, starting in March, in May in Minneapolis and those things began to go on. So where we are at the end of the primary election here in Kentucky. Now there’s talk of more shutdowns.  I just heard the governor talk about schools opening back up and things of that nature.

The things that I saw in a dream, vision back in December, are the same things that I watched in the news almost every day since March through June.

All of this time I kept hearing “brace yourself brace yourself”.
I spent time in prayer, I spent time in the word – I’m a pastor.
And it’s not just my job it’s something that I enjoy doing. I love doing and I’m very interested in the news around the world. I read 40 newspapers a day from all around the world. I keep up with news in other parts of the nations, better because sometimes….it’s hard to know who to trust.  I get news from all over the world, all around the world from both liberal and conservative sources. I’m very well read and very understanding of how nations work, and I travel quite a bit.  I’m not just making these things up I can confirm what I have said.

With that in mind, on Monday night I had another dream.
It woke me from my bed.  I made notes about it.  I shot some video of myself just making sure to remember.

Here’s what I saw.
I saw a calendar. Start with the calendar. As I was having this, the calendar was up, a white figure appeared.  To me, it was a representing God the Holy Spirit, something pure, something righteous, something true, something Holy because there was nothing sinister about it.  Nothing evil, but I heard the voice say, part two, part two”.
I saw June, July, August, and then I saw September, and I saw the finger underneath the word September it was emphasizing it and tap the three times.

Then I saw October come up, and then I saw November, and this is when it got real to me in the dream.  I think the intensity for me…  when I woke up my heart rate was about 180.

The minute the finger underlined November three times instead of tapping it, I saw a fist ball up and it hit the calendar. And literally, the calendar exploded into the wall, the numbers seem that they were 3d and they were falling everywhere.

There was a cloud of chaos that started in there. The next thing I saw was armed protesters. I saw fighting in the streets, I saw people pummeling one another.  I saw businesses shuttered and shut up.
I saw schools close. I saw school rooms with cobwebs hanging in them and like things like papers falling off the wall and posters…  like no one had been in them for months.

I saw banks.  Bank buildings with the roof being taken off.  It looked almost that alien abduction because money was flying through the roof into some type of like a vacuum cleaner.  It sounds kind of strange, but I was watching wealth, just being taken. I saw politicians in back rooms, making deals with people. Patting people on the back and laughing and smiling and smirking.
I saw monuments.  I saw Washington DC, burning. I saw Washington DC blazing. I saw fires, everywhere. I saw people being rounded up. I saw Chinese and Russian soldiers on the ground.  The Russian soldiers would tell the Chinese soldiers to go “pick up these people”…” secure this quadrant”….” secure this area”…  I saw blue helmets of the UN.  I saw a military things taking place. I also saw no sign of President Trump. I saw no sign of leadership in Washington DC.

The vultures that I had seen were like gargoyles.  They were 10 feet off the ground…. 10 to 15 feet off the ground.  They were just attacking people mercilessly. I saw people hiding in their homes and garages. I saw churches, being burned, I saw homes, being burned.

I saw absolute chaos.  The fist punch on the November of 2020 is what got my attention. Then I heard the words again.” Brace yourself, Brace yourself. Brace yourself.”
That has been something that I have heard for almost, almost seven months now.  Starting, …  once we get to July, it’s gonna be seven months.

I’m not claiming to be a prophet I’m not claiming proclaiming … just, … let’s see what happens in November,… through November and see if I’m right about this. 

But I know when I hear God’s voice, I know, I know what God’s voice sounds like to me.  I know when He speaks. I know when I had a dream that I know is Him.  The things that I am saying, I don’t say this to scare people but I say this to warn people that there are some pretty sinister things coming down the pike, and not just for the lost but for God’s people as well.

The second dream I had last night,… It woke me up.
In this dream. We just had a yard sale to help fund team going to Ecuador this next year.

We had a yard sale.  I had asked our secretary to get some change for that for that yard sale. So, in the dream that I’m having, .. I walk to the bank. I walk into the bank to get some change.  On the door, it says there’s no change available.

I saw the sign and registered in mind.  I walked on in, and the president of the local bank was at the teller station. She was taking care of business.

And I said, I need to get $10 in quarters for yard sale and she said, I’m sorry, but the US Mint is no longer making currency or making change… ( like pennies nickels dimes quarters half dollars), “We’re not doing that anymore”,
“well what do you mean”
She said, … ” they stopped doing it”
I said, “Well, how am I going to be able to charge $1.50 for anything ?

She said, ” prepare for hyperinflation and just charge $2 “
Then she said to me in the dream… Oh by the way, $1 and $5 bills will follow soon after that.
Then I heard those words. “Brace yourself. Brace yourself. Brace yourself.”
I wrote these things down.

I have never gone on video and recorded the dreams that I’ve had and I hesitated to not do the one I had back in December, but everything I saw in that dream in December, came true between March and June when in the dream I was shown March through June.
I don’t think I would be doing anyone a service if I don’t show what I saw in these dreams and visions.
I believe that we’re going to see not just going to see a second huge wave of Covid between September, October, November.
We’re going to see major things with the elections,…
We’re going to see major chaos in our country.
We’re going to see troops in our cities.
We’re going to see the protests get even worse,
We’re going to see buildings burn.
We’re going to see which can only lead to civil war in this country.
And so for my friends that are believers, … I’m just going to show that what I think you need to hear.
First of all, you need to be preparing food.
Make sure you’ve got alternative forms of currency like silver or gold or whatever.
I believe you need to have an ample supply of both guns and ammunition. That’s not just the Second Amendment fan of me coming out, that is the things that we’re seeing.  They are talking about defunding the police. That means one thing … you’re on your own a lot of areas.

I also believe you need to be praying like you never prayed before.
Make sure your family knows what’s going on,  where you are have some sort of communication between your family about if certain things happen if certain things go down.

I’m not saying, get off the grid, and I’ve never ever said anything like this in my church. I have said I believe that this could happen but I’ve never done what I’m doing right now.

I’m telling you that between September and November of this coming year.  And by the time we get to November and nothing’s happened …  man you call you call me on this and say .. you are an absolute idiot and a fool for saying those things.
Go right ahead.

I realize I’m responsible for what I’ve spoken. I also know what I sense and I know the Holy Spirit’s voice enough to know that what I’ve heard.

I believe is going to happen.  What I heard in December happened between March and June.

God bless,

Stan Johnson the PROPHECY CLUB

In HIS Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin

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BLM activist fantasizes about babies being strangled to death as crowd cheers for sick monologue

Don’t be fooled: Netflix is a pedophilia broadcast network

HUGE! DOJ Requests COVID-19 Data From Four Democrat Governors who Issued Orders to Send Sick Patients to Nursing Homes

HUGE: According to Recent Study President Trump Has an 87% Chance of Being Re-elected Based on Today’s Markets

America’s summer coronavirus wave is slowing down, but infections could rise again in the fall

BLM Protests turn to 'Animal Sacrifices' - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

Pelosi declares Republicans to be "enemies of the state" and launches plan to seize the White House by force. the season of TREASON is here

Trump says he will send federal law enforcement, National Guard to Kenosha after Jacob Blake shooting | Fox News

Hurricane Laura may bring 'unsurvivable' storm surge up to 20 feet for parts of Texas, Louisiana | Fox News

Monday, August 24, 2020

GOP senator warns that Democrats aim for 'socialist utopia'


The Mystery of the Dark Asteroid That Scorched Russia - Issue 86: Energy - Nautilus

Kenosha rioters wield rifles against Sheriff's Dept. vehicle in latest escalation that shows Leftists are actively trying to spark CIVIL WAR -

Ancient Mystery Of Giant Mounds Of Jerusalem Built For Unknown Reasons - Archaeologists Are Still Baffled | Ancient Pages

President Trump Releases His Second Term Agenda

Convention Establishes Democrats as Anti-Biblical Israel/Anti-Peace Party - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

Pompeo lands in Israel on first leg of Mideast trip to Sudan, Bahrain, UAE - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

Instead of Identifying Drunk Drivers, Experimental Israeli Breathalyzer Technology Picks up COVID-19 - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

Trump: Christians Are Treated 'Horribly, Beyond Disgracefully' in Middle East | Frontpagemag

The Significance of the Israel-UAE Peace | Frontpagemag

Friday, August 21, 2020

No food truck today but we fed of course



Mashed potatoes, hamburger gravy, peaches, cheese stick, donuts, and bread




The people that donate extra food like vegetables and other things did not show up my wife made a very great meal anyway as you can see..we also gave away bags of rice and lintels (split beans)…one Bible went out we have 3 left so we need more Large Print KJV Bibles…62 people showed up for plates today…


We have not made it to the store yet but we will restock the freezer next week, Tuesday I think…


Finished plates


Dinner served


Rice and beans


Lift us in prayer, help if you can,

And yes we still need a laptop…


In His Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin


National Satellite and Live on Net Worldwide


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Breaking News and Radio Blog

Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry

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230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851



Thursday, August 20, 2020

August 20, 2020 08:55 PM PDT
Pastor Carl gave us this about wearing masks and some other things
Another do not Miss End-Time Radio program as "We are Warning the World as it HAPPENS!"
Please visit
"Remember we do not 100% agree with everything our guests, say, do, or believe. It's up to you to pray and sort it out!"

GOP Lawmaker Says DOJ Could Pursue Treason Charges Over Russia Probe Misconduct - Conservative Brief



August 20, 2020 08:25 PM PDT

Pastor Dan and Linda Catlin

We need to be ready in November for even a civil war...or worse
Please visit



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Nancy Pelosi: Killing Babies in Abortions "Unleashes the Power of Women" |

Trump: US considering selling F-35 fighter jets to UAE - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

Coronavirus outcomes improved by heartburn drug famotidine, according to study | Fox News

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

(20+) The Plot Against The President | Facebook

New Zealand rolls out mandatory coronavirus quarantine camps, and its disarmed population is now powerless to stop it -

New coronavirus evidence points to Wuhan lab release - World Tribune: Window on the Real World

The Flight of the Jews | Mystery of Israel

Israeli Ambassador: Trump might Replace Pence with Nikki Haley -

Trump to Bring together Israel, Arab World in 'Extravagant' Peace Ceremony right before Elections - Arabic Expert Says - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

Israel targets Hamas special forces facility following rocket attack - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

Israelis and Emiratis to develop COVID-19 stem-cell therapy - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Disaster solved


Today we had a major problem because some how the freezer door came open and all the meat had unthawed….well I put out eth first video and a supporter took care of it!





Lift us in prayer, help if you can


In His Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin


National Satellite and Live on Net Worldwide


Pod-cast Archives (webcast) RSS feed

Breaking News and Radio Blog

Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry

Donations and Contact

Mailing address

230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851



The UAE Deal Shows Middle East Peace Doesn't Depend on the 'Palestinians' | Frontpagemag

Friday, August 14, 2020

A Transcript Of Pastor Dana Coverstone's Ominous New Prophetic Warning About The End Of 2020 - End Of The American Dream

Dallas Judge Just Ordered Father Who Fought Liberal Ex-Wife Over Son's "Transition" to Pay For His Transgender Medical Procedure

Feeding and clothing the people ..Friday...08/14/2020


Well feedings over we will clean up and have Service…cannot wait..for coming Sabbath!


Video from today….

Lift us in prayer, help if you can,


In His Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin


National Satellite and Live on Net Worldwide


Pod-cast Archives (webcast) RSS feed

Breaking News and Radio Blog

Mission Church: Homeless & Poor Ministry

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Mailing address

230 west 4th street, Florence, KS 66851

